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Senin, 11 November 2013

2015/16 Large Cadillac

Not sure what they will end up calling it. Since they are already using the name "XTS"...(ZTS?)

This was just sent to me. And it looks like a prototype, or design study, of their upcoming top of the line RWD sedan.
It is no secret that Cadillac is working on a RWD sedan above the XTS, competing, for the 1st time, with the S-Class and 7 series.

I think Cadillac is ready for it. With the success of the ATS and the all new CTS.

I am not sure if this picture represent the final design or not. It is obviously influenced by the Elmiraj concept, which is a good thing. But looks much less "flashy" than the new CTS.
Which could be a good way to go. (The Audi A8 seems pretty invisible and it seems to work for them.)
At least this large Cadillac seems to have a bit more personality than that...

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